Seek your querencia

A Sophisticated mess

Talking with Nature

                        Talking with Nature 

You might have heard this "Nature is the best healer" but you are wondering how here I'll be telling you how. When someone goes through hardships, they don't know what they need, which becomes their reason for being insecure. And even when someone cares about them instead of being thankful or grateful they find that person irritating. The National mental health survey 2015-16 says that one in 20 Indians suffers from depression.

During the depression, we feel the loss of energy, a change in diet, restlessness, reduced concentration, changed sleeping patterns, and many more. To feel revived we prefer talking to someone but he or she may console you, encourage you and provide moral support to you but a friend can't help you in  overcoming you mental problems that you are suffering. And here you gotta help yourself but remember that you are not alone Nature is with you.
I came to believe that Nature is the best healer when it helped me heal from that phase. Try to wake up early in the morning this will help you understand yourself and understand nature. When you wake up in the morning just say "good morning, it's a new beginning and smile" even if you had wasted yesterday ,but if have smile once in that day Eureka you haven't wasted that day. 

Meditation is the best remedy but more than 95% of the people Misunderstood it,.you know why because of the kind of upbringing we have the mindset, our perspective towards the thing. I can say this thing because I have witnessed it.  Now the very basic question arises that how to do it? it's not that difficult yet it takes patience.  All you have to do is go to a calm place where you can interact with yourself and nature ,  where you both can talk and understand each other. Close your eyes and now slowly start experiencing that warmth and energy inside you.  Hold your breath, hold it and exhale slowly furthermore repeat it. But before you do it let me tell you one thing: doing meditation for once and thinking that it will make you mentally fit or feel good,  No! No miracle happens in one day It requires time, adaptation, and most importantly consistency. Being consistent is the key.


 I agree that doing exercise will help you become your kind of perfect person. I also agree that doing exercise will make your body release endorphins which are the natural painkillers of the body but this only can reduce your body pain or physical suffering unless you are mentally ill-being this exercise regime doesn't work. If you let the stress disturb your mental equilibrium then anything will not work. You have to be a lot patient and consistent. Keep in touch with nature as much as possible. And to understand meditation in very simple words yet meaningful is that - 

                         Meditation is self-limitation and self-limitation is freedom. 


Stay safe 

Loads of strength !

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