An unequal world
Mental health is a very misunderstood concept. Some think that mental health meant having a perfect mental equilibrium where no stress, anxiety, and negativity exist at all but let me correct you because mental health is about having all the stress anxiety, tension and whatever negative thing can be but not letting any of those things takes over you. Everybody is going through at least something in their life but that does not mean that we all start crying about our problems. The presence of problems in one’s life makes it challenging moreover sometimes we lose and sometimes we won. But if you let those emotions drive your life then bro it's not good, it's worse.
I'm not saying that sad or negative emotion is bad or good but what I am trying to convey is that Emotion is a part of human life and without them, there is no life but as the doctor suggest that balanced diet is necessary for the proper functioning of your body or else it will be malnutrition. The same way, don't let The excess of positive or negative emotion enter and attacks your subconscious.
And remember life can be miserable but only you have the right to make it more miserable or less miserable.
Now a question arises that what should we do to get a better mental state?
Again, let me burst some of your misconceptions about practicing mental health
Eu-thoughting (true meditation) - Meditation has become such a void nowadays that people do this just to post those Instagram stories and telling people that now they have become monks. I didn't say that they don't do meditation, they surely do but it's the pseudo meditation.
True or Eu-mediation doesn't require a special place or specific time or some perfect environment. People practice Eu-meditation because they want to talk to their subconscious, and it can be done even on your bed or office desk or even while bathing. Even Negativity is great, this one thing has the power to build the castle or to bring down that castle now it's up to you how you use it. Go and read our article on self-rejection to understand this better.
Just like this many things are misunderstood. And if you ask me that what is the one way by which you will become mentally stable? then my answer would be: Instead of searching it everywhere on social media, internet and seeing some of the videos on mental health you should go and connect with your family, start talking about your issues to your loved ones. It can be a friend, sister, brother, or even parents. Build a connection with them, spend time with them, and feel free to tell them anything about your life. Some day you will learn from them and another day they will learn from you. And if you want you can mail us your problem and we will ensure that your issue will be resolved.
On this International mental health day, Team querencia wants you to connect with your loved once and build better you by using those negative emotion that was created to bring you down. And you should be proud of yourself of every thing you do to become better. Nobody is perfect and the fact that you don't even need to become perfect. Start accepting yourself and then see the world from a new perspective. Be less judgmental because before judging anyone you always judge yourself. And always Treat yourself with kindness.
Thank you
Loads of strength
Stay safe
Team querencia